Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Poor Rosy

I was doing some research/reading Sunday afternoon and came across this account in a letter:
One woman - a respectable house-servant, who had lost all but one of her twenty-two children - said to me: "Pahaw! don't har to dese yer chil'en, misse. Dey just rattles it off, -dey don't know how for sing it. I likes "Poor Rosy" better dan all de songs, but can't be sung widout a full heart and a troubled sperrit!"
 Being the curious soul that I am, I had to see if I could find the words to the song...I love Google!
1.      Poor Rosy, poor gal,
Poor Rosy, poor gal,
Rosy break my poor heart,
          Heav’n shall-a be my home,
I cannot stay in hell one day,
          Heav’n shall-a be my home,
I’ll sing and pray my soul a-way,
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.

2.     Got hard trial in my way,
Got hard trial in my way,
Got hard trial in my way,
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.
O when I talk, I talk wid God,
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.
O when I talk, I talk wid God,
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.

3.     I dunno what de people want of me,
I dunno what de people want of me,
I dunno what de people want of me
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.
I dunno what de people want of me
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.
I dunno what de people want of me
          Heav’n shall-a be my home.


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